St Pius X Primary School
Thomson Adsett
Waterdale Road Heidelberg West
Thomson Adsett
This project saw the refurbishment of four classrooms, upgrades to the adjoining passageway and an outdoor area/play ground with extensive decking.
A tricky site, the aged buildings were in original condition with restricted access. While the outdoor area had some large mature natives encroaching on the building envelope.
Reliance has a construction methodology which is used on all sites, but it’s particularly useful on difficult sites as in this instance.
Propping of existing walls during demolition and protecting of surfaces that are to remain was a focus for the team. Hoardings were constructed to ensure building security prior to windows and door installation.
Reliance engaged an arborist to supervise the excavation around the drip line of trees. Scaffolding was erected to allow access to ceiling spaces for cleaning and installation of insulation.
Re-pitching of the corridor roof assisted in stabilizing remaining brick columns.